Documents & Resources
On June 1, 2023 the initial steering committee meeting was held to kick-off the Hendricks County Comprehensive Plan Update. The purpose of the initial meeting was to introduce participants to the expected planning process over the next 12 months and gather initial thoughts on opportunities and challenges present in the community.
Two in-person community workshops were held during the month of July, open to anyone who wished to share their thoughts on the future of Hendricks County.
One meeting was held at the Hendricks County Government Center while the other was held at Washington Township Park. Participants were asked to complete a series of activities including a mapping exercise and voting on what types of development they think the community needs. The link below shows a summary of the meeting boards.
A second Steering Committee Meeting was held August 8, 2023. This meeting presented preliminary findings from community engagement to the committee, identifying trends and potential topics the updated comprehensive plan should cover. The group also began discussing preliminary goals and strategies. A copy of the meeting’s presentation can be viewed below.
The third Steering Committee Meeting was held September 28, 2023. The committee began identifying how land uses should be altered from the previous plan to fit the current needs of Hendricks County. The group also discussed potential strategies within the plan related to housing, economic development, agriculture, and more. A copy of the meeting presentation can be read below.
After multiple engagement events, steering committee meetings, and stakeholder interviews, a Public Open House was held November 9, 2023 to present draft goals, strategies, and future land uses to Hendricks County residents. The meeting was held at the Hendricks County Government Center with over 50 participants in attendance. The results for what future goals and strategies should become high priorities for the county can be seen on the document below.
Steering Committee Meeting #4 was held December 13, 2023. This meeting primarily focused on reviewing public feedback from the Open House, including changes to plan strategies, the future land use map, and key questions identified at the Open House that required additional input. A copy of the meeting presentation can be read below.
The fourth Steering Committee Meeting was held February 8, 2024. The committee reviewed updated goals and strategies, the future land use map, and the vision of the plan itself. The meeting presentation can be viewed using the link below.
We will continue to add documents to this page as the planning process continues. Please check back for meeting summaries, draft plan sections, and other documents created for the Hendricks County Comprehensive Plan.